Friday, May 2, 2008


One of our favorite blogs at MITSS is Paul Levy’s Running a Hospital. In the interests of sharing another great resource (as well as giving ourselves a shameless plug), check out today’s post at

Monday, April 28, 2008


It seems that everyone is jumping onto the bandwagon these days and publishing a blog. One can’t argue with the rationale -- the internet gives a small non-profit, like MITSS, an enormous (and free) reach that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford. We didn’t want to blog just for the sake of blogging, though, and decided to take a good look at what we hoped to achieve.Our goal is that the MITSS patient and family blog will serve as a place where open and honest dialogue is encouraged, but respectfully engaged in. We would like to explore the sharing of ideas, personal experiences, and information about when things go wrong in healthcare. We’re hoping that visitors can come away feeling less isolated and alone, armed with some good information, and feeling supported along their journey of healing.

Our most sincere hope, though, is that at its very heart and soul, the MITSS patient and family blog will foster a community of support for patients and family members dealing with medical errors and bad medical outcomes. Lofty goals – we know!!! And, to be totally honest, we’re not sure where this is all going to lead! So, we embark on this journey together. Let us know what’s on your mind, what you’d like to talk about, and what we can do to make this blog better.

With warm regards,
Linda Kenney

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