Thursday, April 16, 2009

Patient and Family Day at the NPSF Annual Congress

The folks at the National Patient Safety Foundation have asked that we circulate the announcement below. There is a special pre-congress program planned from the patient and family perspective. It promises to be a very interesting program, and we’d like to spread the word virally. As you can see, Linda Kenney is one of the co-chairs. Please feel free to pass it along to anyone or any organization you think may be interested.

2009 NPSF Annual Patient Safety Congress
Gaylord National -- Washington, DC

Wednesday, May 20, 8:15am-4:30pm

This unique program has been developed to provide perspective and ideas in support of engaging communities in patient safety work. Patient and family representatives will serve as faculty, providing a perspective from this important stakeholder group. For community members who attend, the day will provide information they need to return home and be better able to work with their communities’ health care systems, as members of hospital committees, volunteers in health care organizations and advocates for better partnerships. For health care providers, this unique day will provide an opportunity to learn directly from patient and family representatives who will teach sections of the course using the techniques they have found useful in their communities, as well as other faculty who will share community-based initiatives that have successfully created positive engagement and improved partnering opportunities in order to improve patient safety.
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Beverley H. Johnson, President & CEO, Institute for Family-Centered Care

Linda K. Kenney, President, Medically Induced Trauma Support Services, Board of Directors, NPSF

Ilene Corina, PULSE of NY, Inc., Board of Governors, NPSF

Terrell Smith, MSN, RN, Director, Patient/Family Centered Care, Vanderbilt University Hospital and Clinics

Don McSurley, Council Member, Vanderbilt Hospital Advisory Council, Attendee, Community Engagement Program 2008

Deborah W. Wachenheim, Health Quality Manager, Health Care For All

Lucilia Prates, Consumer Health Quality Council Member, Health Care for All

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Welcome and Introductions
NPSF Board Member

Understanding Patient Safety and the Importance of Partnering with Patients,
Families, Healthcare Organizations and Communities
Beverley Johnson, Linda Kenney

Engaging Communities in Patient Safety: The Patient Advocate Experience
Ilene Corina

Patient and Family Advisors Bring Patient Safety Change to an Organization
Terrell Smith, Don McSurley

Walking Tour of Poster Display

Lunch and The Magic Wand Discussion

Community Organizations as a Catalyst for Change
Deborah W. Wachenheim, Lucilia Prates

Mapping Out a Plan to Bring Home to Mobilize Your Community
Group Exercise, All Faculty, Facilitated by Beverley Johnson and Linda Kenney

Reflections and Lessons Learned from the Day
All Faculty, Facilitated by Beverley Johnson and Linda Kenney

Make Plans Now To Participate in
Community Engagement from the Patient and Family Perspective

Register Today At
For More Information


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