Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weekend Update

As the week draws to a close, we'd like to call your attention to some upcoming deadlines for some wonderful opportunities:

The National Patient Safety Foundation has issued a call for nominations for awards to be presented at its Annual Patient Safety Congress, May 17 to 19, 2010, in Orlando, Florida. MITSS's own Linda Kenney was the recipient of the 2006 Socius Award. The deadline for nominations is February 12.

The American Hospital Association (AHA) and National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) co-sponsor a year-long Patient Safety Leadership Fellowship. This a unique and exciting opportunity. Linda was actually the first consumer participant and graduate of the Fellowship in 2005. The deadline for applications is February 15.

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) will accept applications for its Safe Medication Management Fellowship until March 1.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Upcoming WIHI Program on Clinician Support

MITSS Executive Director, Linda Kenney; Dr. Albert Wu; and, Sue Scott of the UMissouri forYOU Team (the 2009 MITSS HOPE Award winner) will be featured on an upcoming WIHI program on Clinician Support. The program will be moderated by IHI's Madge Kaplan and air live on Thursday, February 4th, at 2 pm. It is free to listen in and participate, but registration is required. Click here for exciting details.

This promises to be an informative and lively program, so mark your calendars and join us!


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