Friday, August 21, 2009

Boston "Champion in Health Care" in MITSS Midst

Congratulations to Deb Washington, MITSS’ Community Outreach Committee Co-Chair, for being named a Champion in Health Care by Boston Business Journal this month. Deb is the Director of Diversity in Patient Care Services at Massachusetts General Hospital and a founding member of the MITSS Community Outreach Committee. Her voice contributes depth and dimension to the committee and always addresses the needs of the underserved.

In March, Deb was also honored as the inaugural recipient of the Arnold Z. Rosoff Agent of Change Award by the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Ad Club of Boston. MITSS full heartedly agrees with the Boston Business Journal, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce and the Ad Club of Boston that Deb is an asset to the Boston community.
Congratulations Deb!

Click here for a link to the Boston Business Journal article:

Click here to see a clip of Deb talking on the new relationship of patient and healthcare providers on InsiderMedicine:

Click here to see a clip of Deb discussing diversity in healthcare on InsiderMedicine:

Erin O'Donnell
Support Team Member


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