Friday, July 16, 2010

"E-Patient Dave" Joins Speaker Lineup for MITSS Annual Dinner

MITSS is pleased to announce that Dave deBronkart, best known as "e-Patient Dave," will be providing the Opening Remarks for our 9th Annual Dinner to be held on Thursday evening, November 4th, at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, MA.

E-Patient Dave is a cancer patient and blogger who, in 2009, became a noted activist for healthcare transformation through participatory medicine and personal health data rights. The Boston Globe has called him "a recognized online champion of 'participatory medicine'." He is the author of "Laugh, Sing, and Eat Like a Pig: How an Empowered Patient Beat Stage IV Cancer (And What Healthcare Can Learn From It)," just released and available on The unusual title comes from the positive approach he chose to confronting his disease.

Dave joins a wonderful lineup of speakers for the evening which will feature a Keynote by Dr. Anthony Whittemore, Chief Medical Officer and SVP of Clinical Affairs for the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. And, the Third Annual MITSS HOPE Award will be presented at the event, so save the date -- November 4th, 2010 -- and please join us!


  1. I would like to thank eDave for turning me on to this site. I had posted on another blog about my daughters "wrong ovary" surgery and he referred me to you.
    With a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, I say Amen. I hope I can find a support group for my daughter and I here in Columbus, Ohio.

  2. I am so sorry that you and your family have had to experience this. e-patient Dave had shared your story from Paul Levy's blog and I was so saddened.

    Please feel free to contact us directly, Toll-free 1-888-36MITSS or 617-232-0090. You can also email me (Linda Kenney)directly at You and your family DON'T need to feel any more isolated and alone as you already do.

    I look forward to touching base with you soon.




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